Friday, September 28, 2007


Tonight we had the Make-A-Wish representatives (Frank & Connie Ayotte) meet us at the house around 7pm to talk about Brendon's wish. They presented Bren with a gift wrapped in silver star paper. It was a Lego set that he had been wanting. In with the gift was an envelope addressed to Brendon Dunn. When Bren opened it, this was inside...

We are all so excited!! Brendon was grinning from ear to ear. We will be spending Christmas and Brendon's 10th birthday in California. It will be our first Christmas away from our family. We will leave 12/22/07 and come back 12/29/07. Here are some pictures from tonight.

On to other information, Brendon's sodium counts are a little low so they did labs today. As of 9:43pm we haven't heard from the doctor, so we are taking that as a good sign. He had kind of a rough week with joint pains and general aches. It hasn't been too bad, but just enough to be uncomfortable. His mood has been better. His cheeks are puffy and he says he thinks about food all the time. It's the medicine..

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Happy Medicine...

Brendon had a rough few days with the mood swings and it was only getting worse. He was not sleeping very much at night and he was like a zombie. When we went to the clinic on Monday for Bren's chemo we talked to the doctor about maybe giving him some medicine that would make him feel better. It was very hard for Brendon to be so cranky. He told me that everyone was irritating him. He didn't want to play, eat, sleep or even watch tv. He was just miserable. The doctor put him on a small dose of "happy pills" to help him feel better. We were really hesitant to give him any other medicine, but we knew that Brendon was not okay. So Brendon started taking the medicine Monday night and this morning he was a totally different kid! He was back to himself. No more mad outbursts or crying for no reason. He told us today after school that he feels much better inside. Thank God! It's so hard to see such a happy kid be so miserable. He's been talking non-stop and laughing again. It's so great to have him feel better!

Andy loved his birthday cake! Here's a picture of it.

Tomorrow Brendon goes for his last shot in the thigh. He's VERY, VERY excited about that. He will also have 2 other types of chemo that day. He has been having some leg pains (common side effect of the chemo) and some body aches. Other than that he's doing very well.

We hope you all have a great night!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Check out my Slide Show!

The steroids are starting to rear their ugly head. Brendon has been moody and hard to please lately but we are all dealing with it. He gets really mad and he doesn't know why. We explain it's just the medicine. We are counting down the days until he starts being weaned off of them (October 3rd). He has 2 more shots in the thigh and he's done with them for good. He's been taking them very well but he will be so glad to be done with them. He will continue to go to the clinic in Scarborough once a week until 10/10.

He's doing well in school. He's adjusting to doing homework and getting up and going almost everyday. He's missed a few full days but he's doing well overall.

Yesterday Brendon went to the Farmington Fair with his Uncle Tommy, cousin Ashley, Allyson and Mom. He wasn't acting like Brendon (because of the steroids) so he didn't have as much fun as he usually does. He did enjoy it, though. He fed the goats, went on rides and ate junk food. His legs are really tired today because of all the walking we did.

Today is Brendon's dad's 30th birthday and Brendon is really excited about it. Andy is working today so we are planning on making him a special dinner. Our friend Renee made him an amazing birthday cake. We'll put pictures up on the next post. Andy is Brendon's hero and he looks up to him so much. I decided to talk about Andy a little bit in this post. Andy is an amazing man who has done so much for his family. Andy is the type of guy who would drop everything to help a friend, family member or even a total stranger. He has been so strong throughout everything. He loves his family more than anything. Brendon is his world. He is a very proud Dad! Brendon will turn 10 on 12/25/07 which means that he will be able to go hunting. Andy is so excited to spend time teaching his son how to hunt and enjoy nature. There are times when I look at them both and I am completely blown away by how alike they are. Brendon tells Andy that he wants to be just like him when he grows up. Andy is extremely humbled by that and tells me all of the time how much he loves Bren. I just wanted to tell the world how blessed we are to have Andy in our lives! Happy Birthday, Andy! We love you so much!! Bren and Amber

Speaking of hunting, Andy got his first deer of the season on 9/14. Brendon and Andy were both so excited! Here is a picture of them with the deer (the sun was in Bren's eyes).

That's it for this post.