I'll start with our Christmas celebrations. As you all know we were not here for Christmas so we celebrated later. We had a family gathering with one side of the family on 12/30. It was really nice. We showed the pictures from the trip, ate lots of food and just visited with the family. Brendon got some pretty neat gifts. We still have to have Christmas with the other side of the family, but we all have been so busy.. Here are a few pics from our Christmas celebrations.
There was a great article about Brendon in our local newspaper on 12/30/07. It was really great to read what he said. He's so strong! He inspires us daily. He seems to be growing up so fast. I don't know where the time went.. The article said he was a third grader, but he's in fourth grade. He was quick to point that out. :)

Bren has been playing outside in all of the snow. It's getting pretty cold, so we have really been missing California. Brendon keeps asking if we could move there. Days when it's 9 degrees outside make us think it's a great idea! :)
Friday night Brendon had the opportunity to drop the first puck at the Lewiston Mainiacs game. It was so cool! Androscoggin Bank was sponsoring a Make-A-Wish night at the game and they were looking for a local wish family to be their guest. We received the call last week and thought it would be fun. Brendon was pretty nervous, but he did great. He went out on the ice all by himself. I didn't get any pictures of him head on because I was behind him, but I think they will send me the professional pictures they had taken. I'll post them if I get them. It was a great experience.
Brendon is still only receiving chemotherapy once a month in Scarborough. He takes pills at home, but it is very small compared to what he used to take. He has been feeling great and hasn't missed any school (except for the snow days..). He loves life and is starting to talk about what he wants to do when he grows up. This week he wants to be a scientist. We tell him he can be ANYTHING he wants to be. Whenever he starts to think he can't do things we remind him of all that he has been through.
Thank you all for everything. I know we say that a lot, but we truly mean it. We pray for special blessings for each and every one of you!
Have a great day, and GO PATRIOTS!!!!

Much love,
Andy, Amber & Brendon