It's been a while since our last post..
Things are going well. There is so much to update on! This post will be pretty quick because I still have tons to do before bed.
The Holidays were different for us this year. Brendon had bronchitis so we were not able to do the normal Christmas Eve and Christmas Day celebrations. It was tough, but we made the best of it. He also turned 11 on Christmas Day. He's getting so big~
We've all been battling the cold, flu, chest colds, sore throat, etc that seems to be going around and around.
We are very excited because on Friday morning (very early..) we will be taking a road trip to visit my Dad in North Carolina for a few days and then to visit Andy's sister in Virginia for a few days. Brendon is pumped because it's been a long time since we've taken a road trip. We'll see if he still feels that way 8-10 hours into the trip :) There is still so much to do, but it should be lots of fun. It will be nice to get away from the snow for a little while. We have SOO much of it! I'm ready for spring.
Here's a picture of Bren on snowshoes. This was the first year he tried them and he's hooked! It's a lot of fun.

I would like to close with a request/invitation. Brendon is officially done with his chemo on April 1st. He takes his last pills on April 24th and if all goes well he will have his port taken out near the end of May. We are working on an end of chemo party for him once his port is taken out. I would like to invite everyone who has been with us on this journey to the party. More details will follow as soon as I get them figured out. Right now I'm thinking it will be at a hall in Lewiston, but that might change. I'll let you know. And the request is this: Brendon has decided that he wants to collect license plates with his name on it. We picked up one of those bike license plates when we were in California because it actually had his name spelled correctly. Every since then he has talked about wanted to collect a plate with his name on it from every state.. I was going to go online and just order the plates for the states, but I started to think that it would be so great if the plates actually came from the states. So my request is that if anyone in a state other that California and Maine would be willing to pick up a plate and mail it to us, I would be willing to pay for them. They are around $2-$3 each. He would get such a kick out of knowing the plates actually came from the states. I would like to collect all 50 states and then give them to him at his party. I'll take a picture of the plate this week and post it. I appreciate any help anyone can provide. Please e-mail me if you would like to send a plate and I will get you the address to send them to.
That's it for tonight. I'll post again later with pictures and more updates.. Have a great night!!
Much Love,