Thursday, December 20, 2007
Brendon and 4 of his friends went to the movies to see Alvin and the Chipmunks, courtesy of Make-A-Wish and Flagship Cinemas in Lewiston. The boys had a great time. The manager and staff at the Flagship were fantastic! Here are some pictures from the party.. One of the kids didn't really want his picture taken so he isn't in all of the pictures. They're getting to the age where pictures are a pain, I think.
Brendon's Grandmother went with us to help. She's great!
That's it for now! We are not going to take the laptop with us so there will be no new posts until we return. We hope you all have a happy and safe holiday! Merry Christmas!!
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Brendon made a gingerbread house last week.. It didn't come out exactly the way he wanted it to but it still looked good. It was a brand that we've never used before and it wasn't the greatest. The icing didn't stick very well, so we used some of our own. It was still fun to do. Brendon really gets into decorating them and it's cool to see the ideas that he comes up with...

Sunday night we had a surprise planned for Brendon. Make-A-Wish arranged for us to go to Bren's favorite restaurant (Applebees) so they could give him a backpack to take on the plane with him. We were able to invite both sets of Grandparents. He was so surprised! He came in after everyone was there and he saw the balloons and all of the family and he just smiled. It was so cute to see.

We decorated the Christmas tree last night and we think it came out very nice. I put the lights and angel topper on and Brendon did everything else. It was a lot of fun.. We listened to Christmas music and drank hot chocolate. Here are some pics of our decorating adventure. :)Andy was working so he is not in any of the pictures.
That's it for this post. Sorry it's so long, but it's been a while since we updated. We'll try to post again before we leave. 11 days!!
Happy Holidays!
~Andy, Amber and Brendon~
Monday, November 26, 2007
We spent most of the day after Thanksgiving just hanging out. We did do some early morning shopping with our Aunt Sherry and cousins Ashley and Danny. We didn't buy much, but it was a fun experience. I left the house at 3:30am, and Bren and Danny met up with us around 8ish. We were done around 11ish. The rest of the day was cat naps and getting some Christmas stuff out until our meeting with Make-A-Wish at 6:30. Frank and Connie Ayotte had some information for Brendon so they came over.. They gave him a Patriots jersey and hat, then they told him that he got to have a "party" at Flagship for him and 5 of his friends. They call it an enhancement to his wish. He was surprised and excited! So on 12/15 Bren will get to go to Flagship Cinemas in Lewiston with 5 of his friends and watch a movie, then have ice cream cake! Now he's having a hard time trying to figure out which 5 friends to invite. Here's a picture of Bren with his new jersey and hat....
Brendon's favorites were the dirt-bike float and the four wheelers. Imagine that, huh? He said that he'd give up everything he was going to get for Christmas if he could get a dirt bike. I would love to get him one, but it's just not feasible right now. He was SO excited to see them, though. He talked about the dirt bikes for a few hours after the parade was done. He wants to get a dirt bike and ride in the parade next year.. We'll see. After the parade we went out for Chinese with my mother-in-law. It was nice to spend the afternoon with just the 3 of us. We did a little Christmas shopping (Dollar Tree, gotta love that store!!) and then we went home. Here are some pictures we took with a giant stuffed moose that was outside of a store in Oxford..

Yesterday was spent raking the leaves and getting the house ready for a Christmas tree! We are so excited for Christmas! Every year we talk about others that may be less fortunate and try to make sure not to focus on the gift giving part of this holiday. This is the first year that we do not feel stress or anxiety because we may not have money for presents for everyone. I guess you could say the true meaning of Christmas is even more clear to us this year. Brendon will be turning 10 and I'm trying to think of something that we can do for a very large party that won't kill us financially.. He pointed out that this is a big year because he'll be double digits for the rest of his life (until he hits 100, he says).. Wow, talk about making us feel old! :) Any ideas?? I'm thinking mid-January for the date.. We'll be sure to let everyone know when it is. All will be invited!
This morning Brendon woke up excited to go to school. His teacher had a baby before school started so he's had a sub all this time. She's been in a few times to visit and Brendon says she seems very nice. He was so excited to meet her and visit with his friends. He really loves school!
25 days to Legoland! It's coming up so fast.. It's a little scary to think about all that needs to be done before then. It's well worth it, though.
That's about it for now. Brendon has an appointment at the clinic in Scarborough Wednesday afternoon. He is having his labs drawn tomorrow afternoon and hopefully his counts are on their way up. Having low white cell counts hasn't stopped him from doing normal activities. I'll update after the clinic visit.
Take care.. ~Amber
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Thanksgiving is tomorrow and we have all been thinking how different our life is now. We are thankful for our lives. We feel very blessed to be surrounded by so many amazing people.. The holidays have a whole new meaning to us.. We're excited.
That's about it.. I'll put some pictures of Thanksgiving up later in the week. We hope you all enjoy your day with your family. Happy Thanksgiving!
Much Love,
Andy, Amber & Brendon
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Things are good...
We would like to thank everyone for all the Halloween gifts/candy/treats that were given to Brendon. He has so much candy now! We appreciate it! He's over the disappointment from Halloween and now he's focused on Legoland. He can not wait to go! Each day he tells us how many more days until we leave.. Make-A-Wish came over to talk to us last night about a few other surprises they are working on for Brendon.. Can't tell you what they are just yet, but they are pretty cool! :)
Not much else new to report.... Things are going well.
I finally did a slide show of the pictures that Brendon took of Andy. It's at the bottom of this post.
Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. We appreciate them more than you'll ever know. God Bless~
Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Well, on to happier things.. Today Brendon received a disc in the mail that had all the photos that were taken of him for Project Tomorrow. They were so cute! These are pictures of Bren practicing his modeling skills...
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There were also all of the pictures that Brendon took of Andy on the disc, but I'm too tired to put together another slide show..
Please pray for us this week... I will keep you all posted.. I also want to clarify that all of the staff at the hospital and clinic have always been fantastic! I don't blame them for anything that happened today.. I think it was just one of those days.. Thanks for letting me get rid of a little frustration... I appreciate and love you all! ~Amber
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Brendon has been feeling much better. He returned to school Tuesday and was a little nervous, but he did great. His counts were good enough for him to get his chemo on Thursday. He went to Maine Medical Center around 10:20am for his spinal dose of chemo. They accessed his port with no problems (which was a relief because Bren has had lots of issues with people trying to access his port) and started him on iv fluids right away. They put him to sleep, he got his medicine and woke up very hungry and really silly. He kept making all kinds of jokes. After the hospital we had to go to the clinic for him to get 2 other types of chemo. We were there for about an hour. We received some very good news while at the clinic.. Brendon has another spinal chemo next Thursday and that is his final one for the rest of his treatment. He was pretty excited to hear that! He will not have to go to the clinic after his spinal on 11/1 and he will be done chemo on 11/8. He will not have to go back to the clinic until 11/28. He will officially be in maintenance which means clinic visits once a month and that's it! No scans, medical procedures or anything like that! Just routine chemotherapy. If he is feeling sick or if we have any concerns we can call and they will see him, but that's only as needed. We are all very excited! After the clinic we came home and Bren was feeling pretty good. He woke up the next morning and had a very upset stomach. He is still feeling achy and nauseous and just not himself, but we're hoping he'll be better soon. The nausea hits him on and off most of the day. The medicine helps, which is good. His headaches have not been back up until today. He complained about it a little but the pain pills took care of them. We will keep an eye on the headaches to make sure they don't continue. His port is still accessed because he's on the 4 days in a row cycle of chemo (which is given at home by Critical Care). He will be de-accessed tomorrow morning so he'll be able to do more. We try to stick to easy activities when he's accessed to make sure nothing bumps it. He's looking forward to doing firewood at his Grandparent's house tomorrow if he feels up to it.. Funny, huh? He loves to work!
On to other information.. While we were at the clinic Thursday they made sure that Brendon picked out a pumpkin from the pumpkin patch in the back. They told him to pick out 2, so he did. This brings the total number of pumpkins for Brendon this year to 6. He loves carving them so this has been such a blessing! When he's not able to go to school he works on the pumpkins.
Today in Lewiston a mother of a Make-A-Wish child put on a fundraiser for Make-A-Wish. She had several small businesses that put items up for silent auctions, raffles and all kinds of other things. They also had a company giving free limo rides to Wish Children. Although we haven't gone on our wish trip yet we still have a special place in our hearts for them. We wanted to show our support and Bren wanted to take a spin in a limo so we went. It was so amazing! People knew of Brendon and they all were so nice. We had a few people tell us that they check the website often. We were so touched. Andy was hunting so it was just Bren and I. It was an Avon representative that was giving the limo rides so Bren and I went for a spin around the block. Brendon had never been in a limo and he thought it was pretty neat. When we got back to the hall Brendon started to not feel good so we went home. It was a dreary, yucky day but the people at the fundraiser today lifted our spirits.
Brendon started to feel better about an hour after getting home so we went to Chinese with our family for dinner. It was fun. Brendon again started to feel kind of cruddy after we ate so we went back home. He's sound asleep and we're hoping he'll feel much better tomorrow..
Here are a few pictures of some of the events listed above.
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That's it for tonight.. I'll update again soon. Take care! ~Amber
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Today Brendon and I went to watch a football game of his team from last year. Brendon was so excited to see the team. He really misses not playing. They were so happy to see him. They "retired" (no one else can wear his number until he's able to come back to play and take his number again.) his jersey from last year but they brought it with them and let him wear it during the game. We were only able to catch the last few minutes of the game, but he felt like part of the team. Everyone was great! They gave him a ball that everyone signed and had him sit with the team for a team picture.. The coach (Dion Jackson) called Bren to stand next to him and presented him with the ball. He told Bren that this year was dedicated to him and all of the kids have Brendon's number (66) on the front of their helmets.. It was such an emotional moment! I cried and Bren told me after that he wanted to cry. He was absolutely beaming! There is an All-Star game next week and we're hoping to go to that.. Thank you so much Jr. Lions for making Brendon feel so good!
After the game Brendon wanted to carve pumpkins so we went to Blackie's in Auburn and got 2 pumpkins for $6.. Brendon's pumpkin was almost 15 pounds! I couldn't believe how cheap they were.. He carved an amazing mask on it and it looks fantastic! He's getting really good carving designs. He does it better than I can..
That's it for now.. Thank you for the continued thoughts and prayers. You all are amazing people! ~Amber
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Here are some pictures from the last hospital stay..
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Sunday, October 14, 2007
He's been keeping busy (when he's been feeling good) at the hospital. We have painted pumpkins, done a little homework and drawn lots of pictures. Last night we watched the movie Elf. We've seen it lots of times, but it never gets old. We laughed so much. We're trying to make the best of being in the hospital. Hopefully now that he's feeling better we'll be able to leave the room more and do more fun things to take his mind off not being home..
Thanks for the e-mails and messages! Have a great day~
Friday, October 12, 2007
Thursday, October 11, 2007
We still haven't met with Dr. Hand, but we were told that the samples came back fine. His sodium, calcium and magnesium all looked normal. They think that maybe Bren's shakiness and fast heart rate might have been caused by dehydration. Because of his mouth, throat and low sodium he hasn't been drinking that much. He's never been a really big drinker and he was still drinking, so we were not too concerned about dehydration until they mentioned it to us. They are going to try to get his pain taken care of and then take some more samples. His sodium level has been good for the past few days. They are going to do more tests later on to see what's going on.
Brendon received his last dose of chemotherapy for this round yesterday. Today is his last day on the steroids.. YEAH! He will start the next phase on 10/18. This phase is the last one until maintenance. It will last for 5 weeks and it will not be as intense as this last round was. This one was probably one of the worst for him. We are thankful that it's behind us now.
Brendon's hair is falling out. He has never really had his hair fall out and leave bald spots until this round. His hair always thinned out on the sides and looked like someone had shaved lines into the sides. This time he has bald spots on top of his head and his pillow is covered with little hairs. He gets itchy so we have to change his shirt a lot. I don't have my hair cutting tools here, so I can't shave it until we get home.. I'll post pictures when we get home.
That's about it. We'll update as soon as we have more to report on.. Thanks for the prayers!
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
I'll update as soon as more we have more information....
Thursday, October 4, 2007