On Saturday, April 21, 2007 at 2:30am Brendon was brought to the emergency room at CMMC because of chest, neck and arm pains. A chest x-ray showed a large mass on the right side of his chest that was either a really strange type of pneumonia or a tumor. A CAT scan was done and then we were ambulanced to Maine Medical Center in Portland. Once in Portland they took a biopsy of the mass and determined that it was Lymphoma.
This is Brendon's life with cancer...
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
We're back!!
We are back from our trip. There is so much to share that we'll probably do a few posts to show all the pictures and talk about everything that happened. We hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas and a happy New Year!
Brendon's Aunt Marcia made him a beautiful quilt for Christmas. She gave it to him Friday morning. She did such a great job on it. Here's a picture of Brendon with the quilt.
Brendon's home health nurse Mel came over before we left on Friday to drop off something she had picked up for Bren on her trip to Jamaica last month. We haven't seen her in a while so it was really great to see her again. Here is a picture of the hat she got for him. It's pretty funny. The dread locks look so real and he loves having the long hair. He automatically started talking with an accent as soon as he put the hat on. He's such a riot!
We had a pre-trip adventure to Boston on Friday night. Brendon's Uncle Tommy and his girlfriend Chelsey took the family out to eat and then to see the Blue Man Group in Boston. It was so much fun! Tommy, Chelsey, Chelsey's Mom, Chelsey's Dad and Danny all went in together and bought Brendon a PSP for Christmas along with 5 games and 3 movies.He was able to play with it for the trip to Boston. We left around 3:30pm and drove to Boston. We went out to eat, then took the T to the event. It was the most amazing thing! Brendon really enjoyed it (as did all of us). It was so nice to have all of us together doing something that we've never done before. They put on a great show. Lots of lights and music. We'd recommend it to anyone who has the chance to check them out! Great stuff!!
We didn't get home until around 1am and we were being picked up at 3:30am for our 6am flight. We were pretty tired, to say the least. Andy and Brendon laid down for a couple of hours, while I was too afraid to oversleep. So my cousin Danny spent the night to help me finish last minute things and keep me company while I stayed up. He's so sweet! The limo arrived at 3:30 to take us to the airport. We were kind of bummed because we were too tired to really enjoy the limo, but it was still fun. We were so excited for our trip that it was all good. We were followed to the airport by a few family members. Aunt Sherry, Danny, Ashley, Meme and Kevin. We were met at the airport by our Make-A-Wish representatives Frank and Connie Ayotte. It was a great send off..
The flight there was very long. We were on the plane for almost 7 hours. These are a few pictures from the plane ride.They needed to de-ice the plane and then they had to wait for our turn to take off.. Once we arrived in San Diego around 4:30 our time (1:30 CA time), we were met by Make-A-Wish representatives at the airport. They helped us get the rental and get checked into the hotel. They were so helpful and nice! It was great to have someone get us situated, being that we were all so exhausted.. The hotel was beautiful! Very classy and our view was great. We were on the 15th floor overlooking the harbor.
That's it for this post.. I'm still working on getting all the pictures online. We'll be sure to talk about all that we saw and did while in San Diego in the next post. I'll try to update again tomorrow. Have a great night everyone! ~Amber
I'm so glad you guys had a good time! You guys missed like three snowstorms, but not to worry, we obviously got another one last night! Hold on, Dominique wants to write too. Here he is: I hope u get well soon Brendon!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok, gotta run, have a great day! ~Miranda~
Yea! It sounds like you had so much fun - I can't wait to see more pics and hear all about it. I'd never know you were soooooo tired to look at the pics -- you all look so great! Love you guys. Here's wishing you a wonderful new year full of laughter, great memories, and much blessing!!
Brendon is a 12 year old boy who is full of life and humor. He loves basketball, football, baseball, hunting, four-wheeling, Legos and amusement parks.. He loves being outdoors and spending time with his friends and family.
I'm so glad you guys had a good time! You guys missed like three snowstorms, but not to worry, we obviously got another one last night! Hold on, Dominique wants to write too. Here he is: I hope u get well soon Brendon!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, gotta run, have a great day!
Yea! It sounds like you had so much fun - I can't wait to see more pics and hear all about it. I'd never know you were soooooo tired to look at the pics -- you all look so great! Love you guys. Here's wishing you a wonderful new year full of laughter, great memories, and much blessing!!
Get some rest. ;)
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