We've been trying to get out and enjoy the LARGE amounts of snow that we have received as much as we can. Bren and I have had 7 or 8 snow days this year! Today was another one. Bren has been doing great at ice skating, although the snow has stopped us from hitting the ponds as much as we'd like. This year we are planning to go skiing/snowboarding at Lost Valley and Shawnee Peak for the first time as a family. It should be a lot of fun! Here are some pictures of our outdoor adventures (including some from Bren snowblowing the driveway today).
Brendon had his monthly chemotherapy session in Scarborough on January 30th and found out that he will not be able to play football this year. He was pretty upset, but he's trying to think of another sport that he'd like to get involved with. The chemo went well. He had the normal body aches that accompany the vincristine the week after, but it was mild. He will be having a PET scan and an X-ray in March/April just to check things out. We talked about how we would know if Brendon relapsed, besides the pain that he had before. I asked if they would know by his blood, and found out that it would not show in his blood. His doctor said that he's doing very well and that she thinks his chance for relapse is small. She also said that Lymphoma doesn't sneak up on you. Once it's there, it's there. Bren went to see a neurologist yesterday because he has been having severe migraines that Oxycodone doesn't help. He had 2 or 3 last month. They usually hit him at night time and they are so bad that he usually feels like he's going to vomit. His doctor referred him to neurology to see if they could offer him some alternative medicine to help him out. The appointment went well and he was confident that Brendon does not have any neurological issues (which is a huge relief!). Brendon is just one of the many people who suffer from migraines. He gave us some medicine to try when he gets one. Thank goodness it's not another pill that he has to take daily.
Brendon has also discovered his love for babies. A friend of ours had a baby about a month ago and Brendon is just fascinated with him. He was nervous to hold him for the first time, but after that he was hooked. He loves holding him! Here are some cute pictures of Brendon and Zander.

That's pretty much it for updates. We are doing the day to day thing and trying to stay warm and dry! This winter has been pretty rough! I don't remember getting this much snow in the winter... I'll leave you with another slide show of some random pictures.
Take care! ~Amber

1 comment:
Have been thinking about you a lot lately - glad to see the update. It is so encouraging to hear that things are going well. I am sorry to hear about the football, that must be hard to accept... hope Bren can find something else that draws his interest. I am so happy too, for all the accomplishments he had in school! GO BRENDON!! That's awesome and something to be proud of. Keep it up. :)
This has been a crazy winter... TOO MUCH snow... I've had my fill. I pray things are going well for you in school and work. Love you guys. Will try to write an email soon. LOVE YOU. Happy Valentine's Day!
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