Today marks the 2 year anniversary of Brendon's diagnosis. It's been a long 2 years but it seems like it has gone by so fast. I can't believe that this journey is almost done. Brendon has been such an inspiration to us. He is so upbeat and so positive about everything. God has truly blessed us. Tonight Brendon said "Mom, Dad, thank you guys so much for always being there for me and for being the best parents' in the whole world.". How sweet is that?
A lot has happened since the last post. Brendon had his last appointment for chemotherapy at the clinic on April 1st. On that day, Andy and I surprised Brendon at school with balloons and snacks for the kids. The teachers were so great to let us disrupt their class! Brendon announced to everyone that it was his last chemo to which the kids all clapped and cheered. Of course the teachers and I were holding back the tears (Not successfully, might I add) at that point. Both teachers said great things about Brendon's attitude and how he never complained about homework, or having cancer or anything like that. Martel has been so great to us throughout this entire process. They have been so supportive and helpful. Here is a picture of Bren with both classes.

The appointment at the clinic went very well. They told us what to expect for this month and over the next year. After which they brought in a present for Brendon and sang For He's a Jolly Good Fellow.. Again, it was hard to hold back the tears. It was a great day! Notice the kiss on Brendon's forehead?? He's such a ladies man. :)
At the clinic
Kisses for Brendon...
Brendon and Deb at the clinic
Brendon will have a CT scan, an EKG and a pulmonary function test on April 29th. We will know the results of those scans on April 30th. If everything comes back normal he will have his port removed the first week of May. Please pray that the results are normal. It's been a while since his last scan. He takes his last dose of chemotherapy at home on April 25th. That's this Saturday! Only 4 days away..He is so excited to finally be done with that. Every Wednesday for the past year or so he has to take 15-20 pills throughout the day. Thank God he knew how to swallow pills at a pretty young age!
I want to thank Miranda and the people at her work for all they are doing on getting the bike plates for Brendon. So far we have plates for Maine, New Hampshire, Florida, Massachusetts, New Jersey, California, Tennessee, Missouri, Kansas, New York, Indiana, South Carolina, Kentucky and Virginia. I am so excited to give him these at his party! He has no idea that people are sending these to him. Because of the spelling of Brendon's name it's kind of hard to get a plate with his name already on it. People have been getting the blank plates that come with stickers to make your own plate. Those have been working out great! Thank you to all who have sent them so far. We are so grateful! Please contact me at if you have any questions or if you'd like to send a plate. I will be sure that Brendon knows where they came from and we'll send you back a picture of Bren with the bike plates. Here is an example of what the plates look like:
As far as the party is concerned, it looks like it will be either June 6th or June 20th from 1pm to 6pm. I'm pretty sure that it will be held at the Great Outdoors in Turner. One of the owners, Mary, has been so incredible to work with! She is the sweetest person and we are so excited to have the celebration there. We're hoping that everyone will be able to attend the party and help celebrate this journey we have been on for the last 2 years. I will post an invitation on this page, as well as on Brendon's CaringBridge site ( This party is a thank you to all who have been with us on this journey and a celebration of Brendon's conquering cancer! For those of you who are not familiar with the Great Outdoors it is around 60 acres with tennis courts, basketball courts, ball fields, horseshoes, and so much more! We want people to be able to come to relax and have a great time. We will provide the food and drinks, so please just come and celebrate with us. All are welcome! We just need to have people RSVP so that we can plan the food. I'll post the information as soon as it's finalized. Brendon has no idea about the party we are planning so if you talk to him please remember that it's a surprise. He thinks I'm working on a birthday party for Andy. Is it ok to tell a little white lie if it's for a greater good?? :)
Thank you all for your continued thoughts and prayers. Have a wonderful evening.
With much love,
Amber & Andy