He started chemo again on Wednesday. This round is the shots in the thigh (6 of them), iv meds and steroids. The steroids have already started to affect him. His face is getting a little puffy again and he's been a little moody. It hasn't been too bad. He only has to take the steroids for 30 days total, so it shouldn't be too bad this time around. Friday was his first shot in the thigh for this round and he handled it like a champ! He goes to the clinic Monday, Wednesday and Friday of this week for chemo. Next week he only has to go Monday and Wednesday, then it's once a week for about 8 more weeks.
He was able to go to the Blue Angels show in Brunswick thanks to Make-a-Wish. He had so much fun. He actually got to meet the pilots and get their autographs. Below is a "movie" from the show.
so glad to see you got a blog! i love blogging! brenden's page looks awesome! glad to read all the GOOD updates, he sounds like he is doing wonderul. we will be praying for brendon especially during these chemo sessions. keep your chin up brenden, you are definitely a fighter!
Yea for the blog!! It looks so great and I enjoyed getting a chance to catch up! I am praying for all three of you! Hope you're feeling better tomorrow Brendon!
This is an AWESOME blog!!! Amber you do an amazing job keeping us all updated with everything that is going on. Thank you very much for all the hard work you put into these sites!! It's great to have a place to see updated pictures of Bren and you and Andy. Makes me feel like I'm home even though I'm in Boston. I love you all veryyyy much and I can't wait to see you guys again! Bye guys xoxo
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