We left the hospital Sunday morning and went straight to Aquaboggan with the family. Brendon's Aunt, Uncle, cousins and Grandparents all met us there. It was a lot of fun! Brendon went on all the water slides, go-karts and wave pool. He started to get a headache towards the end of the day because he's really sensitive to the sun right now. When we got home he was completely wiped out, but he said he had a blast.. Thank you Heather for the passes! We love you!
Monday was spent unpacking and getting ready for school.
Brendon has spent everyday since Tuesday at school all day.. He's having a hard time getting back into the routine of homework every night, but it will come to him. He has to work harder than other kids to stay on track because of the time he will more than likely miss. Everyone at Martel Elementary has been so fantastic! It has made his return to school so much easier.
He had his best friend Tyler spend the night last night. It was a nice change of pace for him. They stayed up late last night watching wrestling, talking and laughing and they were up really early this morning. They are so funny together!
We also had Make-a-Wish of Maine come to talk to us last night about the wish granting process. We played games and talked for a couple of hours. They were so fantastic! Brendon

Brendon starts his next Phase of chemo on 9/12. This is the round that might be tough on him. We are hoping that his body will handle the medicine better this time. This phase is like the first 2 phases all over again. He will be taking steroids again. We are all a little nervous about that, but we'll get through it. He will be going to the clinic 3 times a week for almost 3 weeks then he'll only have to go once a week for about 7 weeks. He will also be getting the shots in the thigh again which really hurt him.. We are not looking forward to that. We are hoping to keep his missed time at school to a minimum, but ultimately his well-being is the most important thing.
We are all doing well overall. Things are settling into a routine now which feels nice. We know not to get too comfortable because this disease is one that keeps you on your toes. You never know what can happen. We continue to remain optimistic..
Thank you all again so much for the thoughts and prayers!!
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